Remember that parents who initially agree might change their mind altogether, or lie if/when the dispute turns legal.
If in the US, conspiring to have sex w/ underage people that is *illegal in your state under state law* via telephone, snail mail, or internet is *additionally* a federal crime. https://www.justice.gov/archive/usao/law/news/wdl20110325.pdf
> Hargrave was indicted in May of 2010 for attempting to entice a minor to engage in criminal sexual activity.
Hargrave was using e-mail to do stuff illegal in Louisiana law, but the use of email gave the federal government jurisdiction.
If I were you and in the US I'd speak with a lawyer (I am not one) about your state's specific laws and your dating concerns. Discuss your concerns about STDs, etc. and he'll/she'll explain the legal situation.