/i/ - Intersex
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File: PE1_cover_u18chan.jpg - (178.42kb, 1280x1811) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
[CerealHarem] Pork, Eh? Furrynomous 2020/07/29 21:18:16 No.1791905    [Reply]
is still Ongoing, if someone can post more pages or Secret Gallery, I (and some perverts) would appreciate it

oh and here is his yiffparty:
Edited at 2020/07/29 21:48:45
325 post(s) and 381 image reply(s) omitted. Click Reply to view.
Furrynomous 2024/03/14 11:13:51 No.2365288
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Furrynomous 2024/03/28 23:17:57 No.2368564
Some of these secret bundle pics do give me an idea of where this comic could've gone, outside of the incest ones. Instead of a confusing story of a slutty sounding intersexed rabbit chick trying to improve herself in life, it could've been just a casual ride through exploring her weird body and how sexually relieving she is to everyone she meets. This was supposed to be a porn comic, right? Don't go back on it in the last few issues.
Furrynomous 2025/01/21 10:46:04 No.2434485

Its why this comic is dead. I haven't seen any new panels in over a year. Not that it was anything worth putting any interest in to begin with. The main character is toxically ascorbic and coarse. It's completely impossible to identify and relate to such base white trash as she comes across as. Uncouth and without any sort of positive personal interaction. She's vile and vulgar. Garbage like her is found dead in alleyways beaten to death and no one care.

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Breaking Rose Furrynomous 2023/06/01 19:24:07 No.2299298    [Reply]
by Inmersion
29 image reply(s) omitted. Click Reply to view.
Breaking Rose 2 Furrynomous 2023/06/01 19:45:26 No.2299349
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Breaking Rose 2 Furrynomous 2023/06/01 19:45:30 No.2299350
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Furrynomous 2025/01/20 20:48:01 No.2434359
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File: PTail-8-01-SD_u18chan.jpg - (1.3mb, 1000x1413) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A Tale of Tails - Chapter 8 Furrynomous 2024/06/19 01:28:43 No.2384259    [Reply]
Since the author hasn't came back yet, it's best to start posting this in here already.
36 post(s) and 90 image reply(s) omitted. Click Reply to view.
Furrynomous 2025/01/05 19:21:44 No.2429904
Oh hey, I recognise those two. Those two siblings were in the fourth panel under the table here
Furrynomous 2025/01/12 19:42:05 No.2432320
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Furrynomous 2025/01/19 18:19:32 No.2434078
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File: SheddingInhibitionsChapter9-BudstoBlossoms_00Cover_u18chan.png - (6.77mb, 4961x7016) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Shedding Inhibitions: 9 2024/01/10 09:00:07 No.2359957    [Reply]
By Atrolux
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Furrynomous 2025/01/08 13:37:54 No.2430993

Yeah it happens, I dont understand why people get so demanding of artists while still enjoying all the art free on this site.
Furrynomous 2025/01/08 14:25:00 No.2430995
Unfortunately, when people become obsessed with the material, they demand more and more promptly, regardless of whether or not it's free.

Unless they're subscribed to Atrolux's donor sites, their obsessive demands for more of this comic are worth zilch to the artist. Atrolux isn't obligated to make more of the comic and can stop if they really want to. And it sounds like they need a break from it.
Furrynomous 2025/01/19 08:19:18 No.2433985
>Unless they're subscribed to Atrolux's donor sites (...) Atrolux isn't obligated to make more of the comic and can stop if they really want to.

Technically, they aren't obligated either way. That's what a "donation" means: on any of the different patronage sites, nobody's actually contracting or hiring the artists to do anything, so there is no difference whether people pay or not. The artist works exactly as much as they please, and the people pay as much as they believe they should based on entirely different measures. One can earn $10,000 a month dropping loogies on their audience, while another toils away making nothing because they aren't famous or drawing for some desperately specific fetish; it has nothing to do with work or the obligation to do work. It's online panhandling.

That's also why people are directly calling artists out to do more, because that's the only way, because paying the artist more doesn't achieve the point.

File: MagicTricked_001_0_u18chan.png - (8.57mb, 2409x3437) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Magic Trick(ed) (New Version) Furrynomous 2025/01/19 08:14:22 No.2433973    [Reply]
by Yang738

8 image reply(s) omitted. Click Reply to view.
Furrynomous 2025/01/19 08:18:40 No.2433982
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Furrynomous 2025/01/19 08:18:43 No.2433983
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Furrynomous 2025/01/19 08:18:46 No.2433984
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File: MagicTricked_001_u18chan.png - (8.57mb, 2409x3437) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Magic Trick(ed) (Original Version) Furrynomous 2025/01/19 08:06:53 No.2433961    [Reply]
by Yang738

8 image reply(s) omitted. Click Reply to view.
Furrynomous 2025/01/19 08:11:39 No.2433970
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Furrynomous 2025/01/19 08:12:39 No.2433971
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Furrynomous 2025/01/19 08:12:45 No.2433972
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Special Delivery Furrynomous 2024/06/16 11:04:04 No.2383265    [Reply]
by Black-Kitten
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Furrynomous 2025/01/17 10:09:41 No.2433423
Cool coloring so far here.

I'm completely shock that Chad has never had a color pic to refence off from.
Furrynomous 2025/01/17 19:18:43 No.2433556
Great job with the colors so far, dude!
SD - Fan Color - Pg 3 TexMan1995 2025/01/18 00:44:02 No.2433589
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To the person who joined me streaming, thought I was BK and then made a rude remark because I wasn't BK. I hope your work shift was more annoying than usual. Otherwise MEET BIRD... Yep, I have NO CLUE what kind of Bird so he's a bird. Only shows up 2 pages, so I wasn't that concerned about it. What do y'all think? Stork? Seagull? REINFORCING SEAGULL?

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My sweet boy Furrynomous 2025/01/16 04:03:31 No.2433085    [Reply]
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My sweet boy Furrynomous 2025/01/16 04:07:04 No.2433090
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My sweet boy Furrynomous 2025/01/16 04:07:10 No.2433091
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Jealous 2025/01/17 16:58:47 No.2433533
I wish I was a cuntboy IRL, or at least a tomboy girl with a flat chest with tubes tied.

Ugh, I'm so jealous.

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TF-Rotica Furrynomous 2024/05/12 01:43:48 No.2376575    [Reply]
by FoxinuhhBox
1 post(s) and 34 image reply(s) omitted. Click Reply to view.
Furrynomous 2024/12/24 16:51:03 No.2426562
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TF-Rotica Furrynomous 2025/01/16 02:22:29 No.2433023
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TF-Rotica Furrynomous 2025/01/16 02:22:36 No.2433024
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File: Dobie-Jacked_u18chan_u18chan.jpg - (462.11kb, 1000x773) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
gideon gideon 2016/07/28 20:50:46 No.1114433    [Reply]

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Furrynomous 2025/01/04 17:59:32 No.2429360

My bad for missing this message (I never remember to make regular checks of this site), but could you update the link so I can grab the files?


I was under the impression that his Livestream folio was the 2012 folio, but apparently that was mistaken on my part and I'm missing that one. However, I have all the others, a miscellaneous folder of old forum/archived stuff (including one from 2000!!!), and under "Corral" I've tried to organize every commission I could find publicly posted on FA and twitter, although there are still some unsorted bits. Because there's a lot of overlap between his yearly folios, his Corral paysite and his Patreon there are quite a few duplicate files, but that's just kind of how it goes really.

It's 8 GB lmao
Furrynomous 2025/01/06 18:11:50 No.2430225

Sorry for the delay, here are the links [Night of the Shaggoth (2010), Super Gideonhoss (2012), NadMax (2015), Final Ecstasy (2019)] [Old clubstripes folder]

Thank you very much for the archive, it's incredible. There's things I've never seen despite searching for years at this point. I have a question however, your archive contains variations of pictures posted within a previous leak on the other Gideon thread in /fur/ (The one that caused Gideon to post an apology message to FA). Are you the one that commissioned and posted part of those back in 2022 ? If not, where did you find the ones that weren't posted back then ?
Furrynomous 2025/01/13 10:13:30 No.2432461

I'm not the OG commissioner. The pictures were shared to me over telegram by an acquaintance who gave me a similar story as the one Gideon did when he apologized - apparently they were commissioned by a jewish guy on the down-low? And said acquaintance happened to know him, I think. He was a real no-limits kind of guy and a gideon fan. I can't say whether he was the original commissioner or not... I have my suspicions but never wanted to ask him outright. But that's how it was shared with me a few years before the "leaks" came out.

Actually, I think I manually edited out the cap and iconography on one of the georgette ones and gave it back to gideon as a ref for a picture I wanted at a con, and I don't know if he realized... this would've been 2018, so I had them a little while before that? Although, when it comes to the pics in question, I only ever saw the lineart pieces (with I think one exception) and none of the colored feral art. So when I saw the leak I had a simultaneous reaction of, "oh no, THOSE," and "oh, wow, there were more than I was told."

Honestly? They make me uncomfortable even despite how much I like his work, and there are a few of them I dearly wish didn't have the iconography on them because they'd be hot as hell if they weren't so problematic. But they're in the archive for completeness' sake.

I wish I could say that I felt like this was a comprehensive archive, but even without the "lost folios" if what I've seen of his workload at cons is any indication, *maybe* half of what people commission from him directly ever gets publicly shared on various sites... and that's being generous. I recall one year in which I was rifling through his "originals folder" and found a spectacular drawing of Cox being seduced by an even more endowed version of that Xenomorph babe he drew in two pictures... and when I asked to buy it he sheepishly apologized and said it was someone's commission that accidentally got mixed in. I really, really should have taken a picture because of course I never saw it get posted anywhere since.

I guess this is pretty much as good as we're going to get. I keep track of his name on sites like furaffinity and twitter, and *attempt* to sort things by year if there is one... hell, at one point I even went back and dove through his old macrophile forum posts and managed to find a commission he did in 2000. But... yeah, I was missing some folios! So thanks for your help.

Edited at 2025/01/13 10:46:26

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