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File: DTF_PlaylistTemplate_u18chan.png - (419.33kb, 6550x1375) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Music for Adult Naughtiness Furrynomous 2023/03/27 13:09:58 No.2268806    [Reply]
>By Adult Naughtiness, I mean Sex. (Or sexual activity in general, LOL!!!)

Just a place to recommend and share some music, songs, or playlists for Sexual Activity.
You could follow the template or just share some links within reason, of course.

Any genre is welcome but sharing your thoughts is encouraged and
even images/links that inspire or to go along with the music.

Inspired by PMVs, HMVs, suggestive Music Videos, Horny Lyrics, and Music as a whole.

>To Mods & Users:
If any e

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YAY, some input! Furrynomous 2023/04/10 17:44:11 No.2274917
File: U18MusicMacro01_u18chan.png - (166.4kb, 1315x392)
But no reference images for the Vibe?
Dang, I can honestly say I'm a bit disappointed,
my most gracious and honorable moderator!

>This Low-key reminds me of this song from Lisa: The Painful

I imagine an unsexy ahegao between two ugly partners, just
going back and forth with these two songs.
. Chatin # MOD # 2023/08/24 06:54:04 No.2337147
Furrynomous 2023/10/05 02:30:57 No.2342193
Heard about this song again, IRL, and had a discussion about it.
Thank you for the context.
Person who brought it up didn't know, either.
They thought it was just a funny, meme song gaining in popularity.

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Jun!!JzZ0ZmExzk 2018/05/31 12:30:35 No.1444606    [Reply]

This makes me sad
Bye Bai Kimiharu ;_;

srry I just saw this now I thought he don't do subs anymore

Kimiharu translated muzzle-lab songs for first time and many other utau vocaloid songs before he was bullied badly by them and many
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Furrynomous 2020/07/17 02:38:36 No.1784401
sexual harassment is obviously different than being cyberbullied and shamed.

It's kinda similar to a guy an animecons putting a camera where he asks female cosplayers to hug him and the camera is located where their cleavage would be...
to that VA Vic drama with Funimation (they're falling hard doing the same thing on their channel a big name anime lisenceing co.)
so yea

Anyways ml are trash not sure if whoever took over their channel and rebranded are the same people,
but for sure they're manipulated 'deleted & denied' the comments into a hugbox of sorts for them to look good. Literally a year ago a bunch of comments about the reality of their "drama" many other people in Utau is aware of their two-faced treatment. They literally DID NOT allow covers of their songs which make no sense since that's what Utau and vocaloid are all about and from covers many artist are born.
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 07:42:42 No.1826765
kimiharu good boyo
pat pat

Edited at 2020/10/05 07:47:37
Furrynomous 2023/03/14 01:58:31 No.2263306
the jerk reported and had the PV Sirius deleted from the platforms, anyone has a copy of it? (with or without the subs)

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Underrated Jams Furrynomous 2021/11/10 07:33:56 No.2035860    [Reply]
Post criminally underrated tracks
Furrynomous 2023/02/20 21:56:12 No.2254706
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File: mixkit-observatory-under-a-starry-sky-4363-0_u18chan.jpg - (115.52kb, 1280x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Music video clip request Furrynomous 2022/07/16 22:51:45 No.2154895    [Reply]
Hi, looking for a music video clip late 90s early 00s, style is french house/r&b (stardust, modjo) singer is a black man, setting is a little star observatory at sunset or early dawn, some strange light comes down from the sky at the beginning, then return to sky at the end. Producer might be English or Belgian or so. There might be some words like "star" "light", "lover" in the title or crew name. I think they only released this single and quickly vanished despite the song being pretty good. An

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Furrynomous 2022/08/24 13:24:44 No.2174173
Cleptomaniacs feat. Bryan Chambers - All I Do

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Whats everyones fave instumental Kamii 2017/04/26 18:58:41 No.1253911    [Reply]
this includes any type of music without singing or computer editing lazer noises that all these weird songs now days has lie dubstep and edm and stuff , can be from orcastral to the didgeridoo and everything inbetween that with strings that goes dong mpstly anything that is played by a music artist with their hands can be solo group or 100000000 people as long as its all instuments hahaha o3o <3 mines is silly but is the kung fu pand theme ogway rising by hans zimmer and i also like the video i

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Furrynomous 2022/01/31 13:05:40 No.2074883
Furrynomous 2022/03/29 19:21:18 No.2101886
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The fifties and sixties had some great popular instrumentals. I think it was often a kind of hybrid result from the "easy listening" genre of the older folks and rock n roll of the young people. Here is one of my favorites.
Furrynomous 2022/08/11 10:59:50 No.2167467

does this tune count? it is nice to listen too.

File: image_2021-12-01_01-03-28_u18chan.png - (3.23mb, 3840x2160) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Favorite Fap Music Furrynomous 2021/11/30 19:06:38 No.2046875    [Reply]
Happy 1st of December you lonely bastards!
I just tried to listen to music while fapping, it was amazing.
If you have one, what's your favorite song to listen while fapping?

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Techno stuff Furrynomous 2021/11/08 20:35:07 No.2035086    [Reply]

Furrynomous 2021/11/08 20:35:57 No.2035087
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Edited at 2021/11/08 20:39:00

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SnekiCobra 2021/10/17 22:43:50 No.2024634    [Reply]
not a fan of this kind of music but i gotta say i love this song, it gets so good after 0:34

File: Nyango_u18chan.jpg - (52.29kb, 528x499) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Furrynomous 2021/03/27 13:07:00 No.1920847    [Reply]
This dude can fucking jam

File: 3C570A4F-8922-417C-8511-F2AB36852C16_u18chan.jpeg - (81.83kb, 275x435) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Furrynomous 2020/10/28 20:18:29 No.1839264    [Reply]
Just found a bunch of this "nightcore" stuff on sounds exactly like the stuff I made in the late 90s with Winamp with 100 DSP/tempo/pace/pitch/instantDJ plug-ins and visualizers.

Liking a lot of it, my partner heard some and his respect for my musical tastes just degraded further. He likes sad indy music.

If you search for nightcore on SoundCloud a bunch of the artists seem to be furry. Is there a association between furry and certain genres?

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