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File: shf3_u18chan.png - (65.3kb, 360x195, shf3.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Dailevy / Secret Horse Files Anonymous 2020/10/07 05:50:34 No.1827994   
Since the last thread died here's a new one.
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coming """"Soon"""" Anonymous 2020/10/07 05:52:13 No.1827996

user: patron
pass: gaggingbug
Anonymous 2020/10/07 12:06:27 No.1828145
This link doesn't work for me (currently) but does
Anonymous 2020/10/07 12:30:36 No.1828173
File: 2458908_u18chan.png - (706.84kb, 3000x4000, 2458908.png) - patron / jigglybug - patron / infinibug - patron / ??? - patron / bugtits - patron / jinglebug - patron / bugeyed - patron / buggybum - patron2 / bugbum - patron / wipbug - patron / stillwipbug - patron / bugpuns - patron / bugpuns - patron / deepbug - patron / bugpones - patron / omgbugdicks - patron / omgbugdicks - patron / somanybugs - patron / septembug - patron / earlybug - patron / birbbug - patron / bugbellies - patron / bugbrains - patron / coronabug - patron / lizardbugs - patron / spikybug - patron / gaggingbug
Anonymous 2020/10/07 12:35:18 No.1828174
rip suggestions in the old page, you will be gone!
Anonymous 2020/10/09 09:07:11 No.1828913
https://patron:[email protected]/downloads/shf3/YYY/
Universal link for the downloading offline version of the game
XXX - current password (spikybug)
YYY - current version (v37)
https://patron:[email protected]/downloads/shf3/v37/
Anonymous 2020/10/09 19:50:53 No.1829066
v38 when? I just wanna shove horse dicks down Spike's/Braeburn's/Big Mac's throat ;w;
Anonymous 2020/10/10 13:19:12 No.1829379
I think levy will chill for another week or two , and after some donations sill come , then he will publish it
Anonymous 2020/10/10 18:53:27 No.1829560
why and/or how did the other thread die
Anonymous 2020/10/11 03:46:56 No.1829724
Too much salt in their diet
Anonymous 2020/10/16 11:22:43 No.1832565
Imagine how his patrons now feel

They were giving this man their money twice already, and didn't received anything in exchange , what a bruh moment
Anonymous 2020/10/16 17:43:15 No.1832861
its a shitty game based on an old flash game anyway, they know what they're spending their money on. Extremely limited concept with no means of progression the patrons are basically throwing away their money for dress up game level of simplicity. The fact that its been developed for months on a concept that's essentially so cookie cutter that its just copy and paste new characters in the already set in stone template is really milking it as long as he can.
Anonymous 2020/10/25 03:50:42 No.1837188
I think it's just a neat game, you are just salty because it takes to long to come out?

Good things comes to those who wait long enough.

Just relax, ok?
Anonymous 2020/10/25 17:59:01 No.1837475
it's been near 2 months, while I'm not a patreon, he is ripping them off at this point. He hasn't paused his patreon and he's not really providing anything at this point so he's essentially milking his patreons at this point
Anonymous 2020/10/26 01:12:42 No.1837579
What really blows is that he hasn't even given a "still working" update since the 1st. I can be patient, this is just kinda silly.
Anonymous 2020/10/27 11:40:50 No.1838477

why do you care, you're not even a patron
Anonymous 2020/10/27 14:41:19 No.1838529
I care about good business, the same way any person should. No person should be rewarded for a shitty practice
Anonymous 2020/10/27 18:51:13 No.1838702
That's exactly the sort of attitude that's letting Dai get away with this shit. People are giving him money for literally nothing in return.
Anonymous 2020/10/28 02:53:24 No.1838925

Okay but literally why do you care. If people want to give someone else money for nothing, that is on them. If he has somehow figured out a magic way to get money for nothing, good for him, what the hell does it matter to you?

In reality, you are just mad because your my little pony porn video game hasn't been updated in a while, but you think that you can complain about it if your complaints take the form of "b-b-but the patrons!" even though you're not even a patron and it has absolutely nothing to do with you.
Anonymous 2020/10/28 10:52:14 No.1839063
This may come as a surprise for you, but many people care about other people.

I don't go to McDonald's, but if they take people's money promising to deliver their food "soon" and never do, or make you pay twice, I would care about it even though it doesn't effect me.
Anonymous 2020/10/28 17:09:07 No.1839218
dude as >>1838702 says this attitude your making is the reason so many people hate both patreon and projects like this in general, if you don't call out bad business practices like this then it will just keep happening, I'll be real I don't enjoy this game much but that doesn't mean I don't care about people essentially getting ripped off for no pay off or even a dev's laziness, if you don't care that's you but I care about calling out scumy practices. >>1839063 it's just like this guy knows too, also mcdonalds is sorta nice sometimes depending where you are, they gave me some extra stuff a few times after taking a bit long for my order
Anonymous 2020/10/29 18:17:49 No.1839806
Guys please I just want to shove horse dicks down gay pony throats with sound effects and everything please it's not that complicated or complex
Anonymous 2020/10/30 01:01:08 No.1839987
>In reality, you are just mad because your my little pony porn video game hasn't been updated in a while, but you think that you can complain about it if your complaints take the form of "b-b-but the patrons!" even though you're not even a patron and it has absolutely nothing to do with you.

I always find it funny when people bring this up as an argument. Whats your point? This image board doesnt belong to the dev nor is this an official thread by the dev. Nobody is going into the dev's dscord and flaming it with the complaints. Its like overhearing someone talk about how they didnt like a certain game with a friend out in public on the sidewalk or something and you just chiming in "Well you're not playing the game so why do you fucking care?" Nobody here has to care but people do. You don't have to care that other people care, but you do. Are you a patron? Does this have to do with you? What makes you more right in this thread other than your virtue signal that you don't care and can let things be?
Anonymous 2020/10/30 03:48:18 No.1840020

We should wait... but nowdays with all the shit around of corona and quarentines, makes me wonder how the artist is doing, hope it's ok there!
Anonymous 2020/10/31 07:52:19 No.1840549
File: portalversion_u18chan.png - (1001.54kb, 1385x779, portalversion.png)

Anonymous 2020/11/01 04:38:41 No.1841102
>We should wait

Already been two months of "in a few days" and this isn't the first time he's done this. Until proven otherwise, I choose to believe he's milking monthly subs.
Anonymous 2020/11/02 13:08:44 No.1841922
2/3 months

Edited at 2020/11/02 13:15:35
Anonymous 2020/11/06 02:52:29 No.1843744
The last playable update was in July.

"whoops haha humblebrag I've just been working soooo hard on it sorry I really need to stop" turns into "targeting a Christmas Eve release with bonus Christmas content" turns into "Christmas Day Release" which rapidly morphs into "All lights go for New Year's eve release" turns into "release feb 01 or bust" and by then the payreon backers will probably dry up without taking a month or two off to work on Cumtorio, earning around (assuming he doesn't pretend to be developing Cumtorio) $20,000 before he has to put another week of coding in to make the next version. That's twenty fucking grand for posting half a dozen patreon updates and pretending to work on the game for a few hours on livestream before he forgets it due to his "crippling social anxiety and workaholic nature, sorry guys I'll work harder on that"
Let's be honest. The $3700 a month he makes is enough money to turn anyone from a good chunk of this shitty fandom into psychopaths. Imagine being able to make twenty grand (or more if you can grift) for "making" a 2d pony porn game.
Love him or hate him, this man is living the dream.

Edited at 2020/11/06 02:56:48
Anonymous 2020/11/07 21:29:14 No.1844590
Another excuse was posted on Oct.31. Update is caught in YP's throat, but it's a free post so all can view. Big surprise, no substance.
Anonymous 2020/11/17 01:01:29 No.1849253
pack it in boys, is gone now meaning someone actually needs to try and support this at some point. Dailevy has managed to out last us
Anonymous 2020/11/17 13:42:08 No.1849537
Nah. If KP doesn't pick up the slack, I'm completely fine with waiting for public releases. I'm certainly not paying monthly when my "reward" is to be told "there's no release because I'm bad at managing time" on the last day of each month.
Anonymous 2020/11/18 12:36:33 No.1849935
Well, we still have password for the upcoming 2022 update, so no trouble for now, but i guess there will be some other source later on
Anonymous 2020/11/21 02:34:52 No.1851527
"I'm pretty confident that this'll end up being a mid-November update"
Well, where is it?
Anonymous 2020/11/21 07:38:32 No.1851603
Its not mid-november1!!1! Its only beginning of it1!1!!11!
Anonymous 2020/11/21 08:39:59 No.1851610
It's the 20th now, whats the excuse
Anonymous 2020/11/26 00:17:36 No.1854304
I sure hope portals made it though I want to see those balls come out of it and start whapping those ponuts!
Anonymous 2020/11/27 16:40:14 No.1855154
it's past half now, in fact we're in the end of the month now, another month of patreon milking
Anonymous 2020/11/27 17:29:35 No.1855171
want to make some fan made suggestions on how the game would have look like?
Anonymous 2020/11/29 12:05:49 No.1856140
Moar colts! Rumble! Button Mash! Tender Taps!
Anonymous 2020/11/30 06:43:06 No.1856676
Button Mash would be nice
Anonymous 2020/11/30 11:07:09 No.1856810
Button's Family - Expansion DLC
Anonymous 2020/11/30 22:27:36 No.1857132
Creating new characters takes less than an hour if you want to fully fill out all the mentals and stuff. If you can recolour the sprites you could learn to make button yourself and then make him in less than three hours. If this update has a bunch of new characters and that's the excuse it's bullshit.
Anonymous 2020/12/01 00:56:40 No.1857189
Nope, this time it's delayed because of feature creep, "I'm rewriting everything", "I'm confident this is time well spent" and "Oh fuck it's the end of November".
Anonymous 2020/12/01 22:13:36 No.1857685
As I assumed patreon milking has occurred once again. He should have just paused patreon until he had something ready
Anonymous 2020/12/02 01:08:40 No.1857747
inb4 "Sorry fellas, looks like this is gonna come out late February"
Anonymous 2020/12/06 02:23:42 No.1859860
Oh shit. is actually working, though hasn't been updated in a while:
Anonymous 2020/12/14 16:13:28 No.1864694
So, I assume that there's still no update?
Anonymous 2020/12/16 14:43:34 No.1865721
Going by predicted patreon unsubs, expect it to come out late April or middle of May
Anonymous 2020/12/17 00:19:32 No.1865918
I think it will go by the following scenario:
Levy completes the basic development of whatever factory he was making, releases the update for shf => calling shf finished and that he will be moving on making that factory game, like he already done that before, and i think he will make that again
Anonymous 2020/12/28 11:45:06 No.1871393
Remember when people were joking about a Halloween 2020 update and it was funny because the August update would certainly come out before the end of October? Haha good times.
It has been five months since the last playable update, and likely any work on the code.
Cope harder patreon paypigs.
Anonymous 2020/12/29 02:10:34 No.1871662
This. I decided to take a look at Levy's "goals":

$500 - "I can cut down my work hours and dedicate them toward the game. This means Monthly-or-more Patreon updates."
I love how these "monthly or more updates" have, predominantly, been "sorry, no update this month" posts.

$1500 - "I can work every day on the game/s. This means a regular release schedule of alpha/beta builds, and the potential for more pony games."
So much for a "regular release schedule". And haven't ALL of the builds been beta?

$2500 - "Freedom from living on month-to-month paychecks means I can put money into the games for higher-quality art and sound. It also means I can spend some time making fun side projects, like game dev tutorials, games using better engines, and collaborations."
Has literally anything on this long-since-reached goal happened, besides the total abandonment of one project in favor of another and the beginning of another, extremely significant, full project? Though, to be fair, I'd LOVE to have a tutorial on "bilking 414 people out of over $3400 monthly by only posting excuses on Patreon".
Anonymous 2020/12/31 02:55:34 No.1872826
heheh goy
Anonymous 2020/12/31 07:12:20 No.1872890
File: 2072974_u18chan.png - (1.02mb, 1730x973, 2072974.png)
This. I decided to take a look at Levy's "goals":

$500 - "I can cut down my work hours and dedicate them toward the game. This means Monthly-or-more Patreon updates."
I love how these "monthly or more updates" have, predominantly, been "sorry, no update this month" posts.

$1500 - "I can work every day on the game/s. This means a regular release schedule of alpha/beta builds, and the potential for more pony games."
So much for a "regular release schedule". And haven't ALL of the builds been beta?

$2500 - "Freedom from living on month-to-month paychecks means I can put money into the games for higher-quality art and sound. It also means I can spend some time making fun side projects, like game dev tutorials, games using better engines, and collaborations."
Has anything on this long-since-reached goal happened, besides the total abandonment of one project in favor of another and the beginning of another, extremely significant, full project? Though, to be fair, I'd LOVE to have a tutorial on "bilking 414 people out of over $3400 monthly by only posting excuses on Patreon".

Well in that case... we also have collaborators that would love to join in the fray!
Anonymous 2020/12/31 07:15:16 No.1872891
File: 2067714_u18chan.png - (1016.97kb, 1900x1900, 2067714.png)
old suggestions gold!
Anonymous 2020/12/31 18:28:45 No.1873360
Nobody cares about your bad suggestions. Especially not Levy, unless you pay them for the privilege.
Anonymous 2020/12/31 18:30:38 No.1873363
Tried it, and it's still on pending.
Anonymous 2021/01/01 17:28:15 No.1873895
hey scat-fetishist redditor, on chans you don't have to copypaste the whole fucking post to add a response. Instead, you take the little post number that's at the top right of the post that says "No. 123456" and you take that number, right? So then, you can either click that number or you can manually type in ">>" and then type "123456". You put a space or a newline in after that and then you write your response.
I know it's confusing for you and you're probably still hunting for the epic chungus keanu upvoterinos button but that's not here either.
also kys your suggestions are worse than no releases at all you unimaginitive Indian reddit-spawn
Anonymous 2021/01/01 17:37:47 No.1873904
That's because it's delayed again.
"Late January I promise, none of the features I promised work yet and lots of animations are broken and I don't actually have the breathplay or any other mechanics implemented yet, so whatever I get done in the next two weeks will have to do, but I'm on track to release over half a year since I promised it would be done in less than 24 hours!"
bet he saw his pledges drop to a mere $3,100 a month and got scared.
patreon simps will defend this

Edited at 2021/01/01 17:38:15
Anonymous 2021/01/01 22:01:27 No.1873986
Fame and fortune has dazzled Dailevy. Soon the codes will be open and everyone could make mods out of it for free. Dailevy, if you are reading this It's just a game for everyone to enjoy; don't mistake it as a real life job. We are all in a crisis together, take care of those promises or it will be used against you. There is a chance to turn back and not be blind by greed that will destroy that promise. The game is not a real life job and should be treated as a hobby.
Anonymous 2021/01/01 22:03:45 No.1873987
>bet he saw his pledges drop to a mere $3,100 a month and got scared.

That's the best part. That loss of 23 patrons and over $300/mo happened in just three days, with a sudden drop after the last excuse. Seems like even diehard paypigs have their limits.
Anonymous 2021/01/02 17:02:37 No.1874393
going by the comments on the paypal updates there's some poor bastard who has been subbed at the highest level since v22 and he's on there fighting with users calling out Dai for continually breaking promises, saying "you either back the creator to the hilt or leave" and trying to convince himself that this update really is coming out in two weeks and going to be worth the price he's paid so far of a last-gen console.
Nu-patreon (circa simping era) is a blight on society for enabling these grifters like Dai and every employee there ought to be hanged by the neck until dead.
Anonymous 2021/01/06 01:54:43 No.1876102
Good work, continue to keep an eye on him... Not one word...
Anonymous 2021/01/07 13:51:33 No.1876818
It turns in some really bad version of yandere dev, but without the "else if" part
Anonymous 2021/01/11 20:33:04 No.1879335
File: 1366951199636_u18chan.jpg - (545.76kb, 1000x667, 1366951199636.jpg)
its a dead fucking game
Anonymous 2021/01/12 18:27:29 No.1879892
Not dead, Levy just wants to milk his patreons a bit more
Anonymous 2021/01/17 04:33:46 No.1882412
General reminder that is the new, and someone's imported Dai to current state:
Anonymous 2021/01/17 12:59:36 No.1882589
There is some new going on, memoryhole its called i believe? Alternative for yiif in the future
Anonymous 2021/01/19 13:23:41 No.1884045
Have a full url? Memoryhole alone doesn't exactly illicit any good results.
Anonymous 2021/01/20 01:34:26 No.1884602
Just use kemono. All "info" I can find about this so-called "memoryhole" posted in the description of a youtube video, but it's behind so many ad-click links that I gave up, and I'm not joining their <wordfilter> server when the original YP alternative already got their shit together and is working perfectly.
Anonymous 2021/01/20 06:31:37 No.1884692
Yep, found some info of this mysterious "memoryhole" its a YP alternative in development as i understood

Heres a link of what i suppose that anon meant:
Anonymous 2021/01/29 04:48:41 No.1889628
any updates and status?
Anonymous 2021/01/29 07:58:22 No.1889712
Nah, i think the next one will be on 1-4 February saying "uuhhhhh i overthought my abilities update this winter I promise" type of message
Anonymous 2021/01/29 08:27:22 No.1889739
"lol time management uhhh I'm streaming for an hour come check me out, update whenever"
paypigs will support this
Anonymous 2021/01/29 09:59:35 No.1889762
He closed comments for non-patrons and deleted some, lol. At this point he's just trying to mute people
Anonymous 2021/01/29 21:46:13 No.1890027
ugh...another artist that may go down south what a shame.
Anonymous 2021/01/29 22:12:27 No.1890038
>may go down south
Levy is already at the south pole, not much farther on earth they can go
Anonymous 2021/01/29 23:33:44 No.1890052
this guy made more money doing nothing than most people here do by skinning patreon supporters alive. if you stayed on with him since he said "whoops not ready" you could have a 1080ti instead. gotta respect the hustle.
Anonymous 2021/01/30 00:08:13 No.1890068
The fact that people are still paying him after what, 6 months of nothing but promises is already tilting, he is really becoming yandere dev, but even dev added flowers here and there to make a feeling that he is making something to approve that he is "working"
Anonymous 2021/01/30 05:26:02 No.1890195
We need some sort of gaming lawyer this scheme is call it milking patreons dry. or something.
Anonymous 2021/01/30 11:45:30 No.1890466
Levy is still above yandev solely because yandev's game still runs like shit no matter how much time passes, at least with Levy this slow things ae playable.
Patreon needs an auto pause system after a set amount of months(like 3) it makes it so that creators actually ahve to release something or not get paid, seriously we called this whole milking shit Levy was doing way before yet people are still unwilling to just admit that Levy isn't really working or just isn't releasing anything
Anonymous 2021/01/30 12:46:15 No.1890484

Lets be real here, the ones that supporting levy is not checking this kind of forums, so from their perspective he is "working his sweat" out

Edited at 2021/01/30 12:46:43
Anonymous 2021/01/30 17:48:19 No.1890647
lesson to learn here: scamming this fandom is ezpz and leads to incredible gains
Anonymous 2021/02/01 07:39:01 No.1891582
W.I.P version is up. Still the same pass as last time. patron / gaggingbug
Anonymous 2021/02/01 14:24:54 No.1891739
what is the monthly record, I wanna hear so we can mock levy for finally releasing something, all that work for a WIP ver
Anonymous 2021/02/01 22:07:35 No.1891912
Anonymous 2021/02/02 05:45:38 No.1892121
First post here
Anonymous 2021/02/19 12:36:16 No.1901638
File: 2553307_u18chan.png - (1005.91kb, 2114x1118, 2553307.png)

Anonymous 2021/02/21 01:39:06 No.1902511
File: 2555450_u18chan.png - (1.07mb, 2600x2300, 2555450.png)

Anonymous 2021/02/21 01:39:08 No.1902512
File: 2555329_u18chan.png - (1.78mb, 2700x2189, 2555329.png)
Anonymous 2021/02/22 12:48:16 No.1903127
Sorry to disappoint you but this is not undertow, so things that you post here will not be noticed by someone who makes content
Anonymous 2021/02/25 06:25:30 No.1904187
File: wallstreebets_u18chan.png - (1019.02kb, 1600x1226, wallstreebets.png)
Yeah, Levi is too busy with his game stop stocks.
Anonymous 2021/03/05 11:23:35 No.1908514
So I just tried this out the other day and I noticed something unusual. The game will, without being launched, attempt to access the internet unprompted. This occurs even after a restart. It just has to be run once.

Now I'm not a marine biologist with a minor in animal husbandry, but that's real fucking fishy.
Anonymous 2021/03/05 18:51:12 No.1908734
As in, downloading the 3a37 build and running it once causes it to ping somewhere every time you restart the PC? What is the indication for this? Do you know which domain it's trying to reach to? If he's installing phonehomes on people's PC's he's done.
Anonymous 2021/03/06 06:12:16 No.1909089
Exactly. Indicator is my firewall giving me a notice whenever a program I haven't authorized is trying to access the internet. SHF does it upon launch, which is to be expected from fucking everything these days. But then it also does it after it's been run once, regardless of whether or not you've run it since launching or are currently running it. That tells me it's sticking a registry file somewhere.
Anonymous 2021/03/06 06:13:35 No.1909090
Oh and no indicator of where it's trying to dial. I need more sophisticated network tools for that.
Anonymous 2021/03/06 14:13:55 No.1909395
Looks like i finally found what i can do for my free time
Anonymous 2021/03/10 08:31:17 No.1911347
hey guys see you in another month or two, brb updating my animation engine by five years and rewriting its bindings because I can’t plan ahead
unoficial v38 windows Anonymous 2021/03/16 12:21:09 No.1914654
File: SHF_V38_unoficial_u18chan.png - (1.19mb, 1920x1080, SHF_V38_unoficial.png)
here is post on windows v38

Edited at 2021/03/16 12:22:07
this ones goes into your butt or mouth Anonymous 2021/03/17 01:52:21 No.1914984
File: goesintoyourmouthorbutt_u18chan.png - (1.75mb, 1920x1017, goesintoyourmouthorbutt.png)
Anonymous 2021/03/17 03:56:09 No.1915021
Yeah, no. I have a hard enough time convincing myself that Levy's offline version is safe, I'm not going near an "unofficial" v38 offline.
Anonymous 2021/03/17 14:52:35 No.1915332
I doubt it'll mean anything to you coming from some rando, but it worked flawlessly for me. Also, does anyone know if ruined orgasms are implemented? It's a big fetish of mine but I can only deny or add pain to orgasms, not ruin them
Anonymous 2021/03/24 05:00:19 No.1919227
The issue is that it's been caught trying to phone home even when it isn't running.
Anonymous 2021/03/27 03:05:30 No.1920712
a rando claims it's phoning home in a vague manner and now it's been confirmed? you're worse than the qtards
Anonymous 2021/03/27 03:53:57 No.1920731
We're all randos here. Maybe get Wireshark and check for yourself.
Anonymous 2021/04/12 23:54:10 No.1930277
File: bugsimp_u18chan.png - (158.33kb, 1299x715, bugsimp.png)
Anonymous 2021/05/23 05:47:54 No.1951940
is this dead
Anonymous 2021/05/23 23:35:31 No.1952336
Nothing posted since the start of the month. Typical "I have plans but little implemented" excuse I've seen countless times.
Anonymous 2021/05/24 03:54:16 No.1952420
Actually, it's worse. Last post was "I'm sick, I'll post an update later." That's all well and good, can't fault them for getting sick. But according to the comments, they streamed twice with no updates. This appears to have reminded them that they promised to update weekly, so new update with hints of the usual excuses.

What's scary, however, is they are now toying around with the idea of more "small projects" on top of apparently being apprehensive of Factory and still "working on" SHF3. In other words, falling back into their work overload phase.

I would ask why people support this, but then I remember how disgustingly much money e-thots pull in and what little is left of my faith in humanity slips closer to zero.
Anonymous 2021/07/02 03:35:00 No.1972666
congrats, he pretty much procrastinated still
Weekly update- July 8th Anonymous 2021/07/25 05:04:58 No.1983903
File: 37060a3b-b2ed-4d92-b65f-c805a284eac3_u18chan.png - (114.22kb, 820x301, 37060a3b-b2ed-4d92-b65f-c805a284eac3.png)
Anonymous 2021/07/26 14:03:15 No.1984678
File: daileevia_u18chan.png - (183.72kb, 1075x800, daileevia.png)

Anonymous 2021/10/10 09:48:07 No.2020612
lol get ready for it to take even longer to update, he's now more concerned about turning his server into a safe space where people "wont feel uncomfortable" and stuff like that, so in other words he's wasting time again.
Anonymous 2021/10/14 13:15:53 No.2023160
I mean, they can't even uphold their promise to post every week after streaming. They're a patreon "artist" - milking their patrons is more lucrative than actually producing anything of substance.
Anonymous 2021/10/27 13:00:07 No.2028902
Is this dead or something?
Anonymous 2021/10/31 07:48:29 No.2030629

Depends on what was happening that made him feel like that was necessary

If people were spamming "1488 heil hitler" and whining endlessly about the existence of anyone who isn't straight or white like a couple of weird-ass bronies love to do, yeah I can see that being necessary. Not many people want to give money to someone who is okay with them getting blasted with slurs and hatred the instant they join their patreon-only dis.cord server.

Edited at 2021/10/31 07:49:17
Anonymous 2021/10/31 19:38:27 No.2031017
Unless that's your target audience. In which case you'll ought to do the opposite. If only ones who actually paying for the product are 1488-chanters, it would be rather counterproductive to cut them off.

As much as I despise 'go woke get broke' mantra and the pigeons screaming it under the pretense of 'making an argument in debate', the kernel of truth it does contain. People more concerned with 'safety' of some particular corner of the net than the creation of content as such are, firstly, less - much less, to a point of actively refusing and preventing others to do so - concerned with actually spending money on the product and, secondly, are usually a bunch of degenerate creeps. That's a correlation, mind you, not causation - but that correlation is rather strong.
The moment someone utters 'safe space' you may, justifiably, expect the utterer to be exposed as a lecherous creep with zero, if not negative, empathy; a cowardly yet insidious manipulator creating a lure of 'safety' to gather victims in one tightly controlled place. Why hunt for prey, after all, if you can create a farm. Find others like you - lesser, of course, so they accept being subservient without much fuss - and make them moderators. Voila - new 'safe haven for all the oppressed' is created. Spruce it up with haute topical gobbledygook like 'protection from alt-right' and 'trans rights' and whatever is trending now on twatter, and you won't even need to actively lure someone in - they will come by themselves, they will drag their circle in, and they even police themselves like a swarm of rabid bandar-logs they are.
You only need to create some sockpuppets from time to time to spew something about 'non-white not-straight' to maintain the simmer. It is quite fun, actually, to poke them until they begin chanting 'kill all cis' and proclaiming at length how one can't be racist against white, because being white is a primordial sin which simply can not be absolved.

...But i digress.
Feel free to maintain your illusions, however inane they may be.
I'm too knurd for that.
Anonymous 2021/11/08 05:15:54 No.2034740
"Okay, so I've hired some help to write these posts, cause I'm terrible at keeping up with them". Last post was on 29th. I guess it's against his religion to post on time, I can't find another reason why he never posts weekly (as he promised) even with help
Anonymous 2021/11/11 18:57:08 No.2036621
Forget the written Update ... the last version of the game is from Feb 1.
The whole year he told us that he brings an Update next month but it never happend. I think he just works on the game when he is streaming.
Small Reminder For Newer Patrons (Patreon) Anonymous 2022/02/03 10:16:31 No.2076567
Anonymous 2022/02/03 11:39:21 No.2076594
File: gallusstretch_u18chan.png - (1.54mb, 1672x941, gallusstretch.png)
nice stretch!
Anonymous 2022/02/03 12:00:28 No.2076597
File: gallusstretch2_u18chan.png - (1.51mb, 1672x941, gallusstretch2.png)

Anonymous 2022/02/03 20:12:03 No.2076831
is this a version not accessible to the unwashed masses?
Anonymous 2022/02/07 01:48:38 No.2078373
Version number's still v.38. These are either dev shots from d cord or they're edits. I'm inclined to believe edits since the last status update mentions that fluid pressure isn't done but explains how it will work.

EDIT: I stand corrected. Apparently version control means nothing. They're directly adding content to v.38, and some of the fluid system is in the current v.38.

Edited at 2022/02/08 18:27:18
Anonymous 2022/05/01 11:14:23 No.2118011
This is one hell of a project, soon they will do portals.
Anonymous 2022/05/01 11:20:12 No.2118014
What happen to his devs that are working with him? That should finish the game's update faster.
Anonymous 2022/06/16 15:08:39 No.2139216
Frankly, I hope this guy loses his patrons. What a way to fool people.
Check out their picarto Anonymous 2022/06/16 21:07:30 No.2139311
Anonymous 2022/10/12 08:22:32 No.2198751
File: e9999c060c9b4c126f36a0ca8c6d3080_u18chan.jpg - (83.4kb, 850x541, e9999c060c9b4c126f36a0ca8c6d3080.jpg)

Anonymous 2022/10/25 12:01:27 No.2204821
File: OIP_u18chan.jpg - (31.47kb, 650x439, OIP.jpg)

Anonymous 2022/10/25 12:01:31 No.2204822
File: full-Copy_u18chan.png - (423.46kb, 1150x865, full - Copy.png)
Anonymous 2023/03/15 11:50:37 No.2263863
Is there any new versions or is it finally died?
Anonymous 2023/03/16 00:41:17 No.2264062
File: workingonit_u18chan.png - (605.17kb, 1251x834, workingonit.png)
Check out the link, you don't want to upset the devs, just give them a bit of support and appreciation.
Anonymous 2023/09/02 06:58:45 No.2339481
Did the project ended?
Anonymous 2023/10/06 08:41:16 No.2342301
Doesn't seem so.
Anonymous 2023/10/15 20:12:27 No.2342910
I cannot believe how gullible his subscribers are after being fed tiny tid-bits of work to pretend its progressing AFTER 3 YEARS of nothing.
Anonymous 2023/11/25 23:03:06 No.2351429

Anonymous 2023/12/05 11:27:49 No.2352273
he's not YandereDev, but that's really low bar.
enjoyer 2024/10/07 04:39:08 No.2408323
Anonymous 2025/01/02 03:00:13 No.2428548
Another round of "I'm bad at communicating, life is hard, I'm slowing down on communicating":

Also, either he nuked his site with the builds, or he let the domain lapse.
Anonymous 2025/01/04 02:31:15 No.2428955
imagine if after all this time he just reposts a very old version of his game and sells it as an early build on a new engine, wouldn't even be surprising at this point
Anonymous 2025/01/05 22:02:37 No.2429936
remember when he said it'd be done in a week, 5 YEARS ago? and his patrons are STILL believing him

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